Get Involved

Our Village Hall is the beating heart of our community providing a space for people to connect and socialise. As a registered charity (1060203) with no funding, it takes a lot of hard work to raise the money we need to keep and maintain our hall.

The skills and commitment of our volunteers are critical to the success of our hall and its ability to serve the needs of our local community. Our volunteers gift their time and energy because they believe that the Village Hall is a valuable asset that should be used to the maximum extent possible by the widest range of people in our community. If you feel similarly then we hope that you will consider joining us.

We’re always on the look out for volunteers and there are many ways that you can get involved whether you’d be interested in joining the Village Hall Committee, have an idea for a new fundraising event, would like to help out at one of our car boots or even just have items that you would like to donate for a raffle prize. We would love to hear from you!

Photo credit: Gary Hepworth